Sunday, May 26, 2013

Scoutouring 2013


OK, it's been a while since I've posted here and gone to a rally. I headed out for Sactromento the weekend before starting my new job with a lot of expectations. Mainly seeing few folks I hadn't seen in year or two. Even the greek with Orlando in tow was coming up from Bakersfield. Fuckin win-win situation going on here if you ask me. I had some last minute repairs to do on the Rally including getting insurance and registration taken care of the day before. Great. Anyway, the Rally as always fits into the Element just fine, much easier then any of the Lambretta's ever do.

2 hourish drive was pretty uneventful, and getting out of the Bay area was the long part of it. Pulling into Sacto the sun was going down and I already knew a few folks had beaten me into town. The Friday night meet up was pretty scooter uneventful, and by scooter uneventful I mean only few scooters were ridden to the bar. Most drive in like myself. After all the rally really doesn't start till Saturday in my book.


I ran straight into Dave K, Mickey, Andey and Sanchez. First rounds were made. An hour to two later I made my way forward and ran into more and more folks. By the end of the evening I was outfront just off the patio where most could drink and smoke.


Saturday morning was spent at the local hotel eating what ever was free in the downstairs foyer. I'm surprised I could keep it down as it was tasteless and awful. Gotta love road food. Anyway I loaded up and headed to the meet up place. Oddly enough I was first to arrive. I did get to catch some guy in a Miyata drop off his hook up who had to make the walk of shame across the parking lot. Brilliant. Anyway, 15-20 minutes later Ryno and family arrived followed by everyone else. As such I finally pulled the Vespa out of the Element and loaded up my camping gear.


An hour or two later were out on the open road. Some place beyond Folsom lake I ended up getting kind of lost. And by lost I mean that I'm following Alex and he misses the turn off. Great, a mile and a bit of backtracking and we're back on track, but about 15 minutes behind everyone else. I ended up losing Alex and few others who were lost and caught up to the main group and had to wait maybe 5 minutes for them to catch up. Anyway, about 15 minutes into riding again I developed an airleak and that was it for my ride as I also soft seized. The Soupcan picked up me and the Rally and were off straight to the camp ground. Great!


We were quick to set up camp and get the BBQ started. This year's theme was "Scouting" and I had a left over Halloween costume based on the Khaki scouts uniform from Moonrise Kingdom I donned and well was the only one to do this year. Fuckers. Anyway, the BT'z were quick to hit the stump liquor at this point. Stump liquir is the left overs from previous Scootourings left in a stump. Afterwards it was Beer bungee times. Scootouring-1090 Anyway, the beer bungee started off with a bang of whole new lot of folks. But after round 3 things turned for the worst when Mr Zorn took a tumble and landed on his hand and well, fractured it. Ouch Mr Zorn to say the least. Zorn was wrapped up and sent to the hospital and is doing well, better at this point. Mr Zorn could use some help with the medical bills so if you can, please help him out.

Zorn of course was declared the winner and everyone had great BBQ and the drinking began. Hours later the BTz gave great praise to the dearly departed Janice Ashrat, who had been coming to Scootouring for over a decade and had lost her battle with cancer earlier in the year. Anyway, more booze, more food, more fun. Time for old far me to pass out and I did.


Anyway, the next morning was filled with much pain as almost everyone was nursing some sort of hangover. Some food was brought in and confee coffee to boot. Afterwards everyone packed up and jolly ride was made back to Sacto. End of story for the most part. Anyway, more pictures at