Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Holy Shit!

I just accepted a job down in the Bay Area working on a film. Start date is mid August for me. 9-12 months of work too. WOO HOO!

Monday, May 23, 2011


It would appear I only need 4 hours a night. Or at least 4 hours of sleep last night was enough. Unless of course you count how much caffeine and sugar I'm on right now. Then I might be wrong, oh so very wrong.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Working It Out

So for 2 days a week I catalog student art work for a local art college. Currently I'm cataloging the work grad student who for me, has no editing skills what so ever. Most MFA thesis's have had 5-25 photos/art work to catalog. This person included nearly 200 photos of her thesis work, many of them are nearly repeats too. Many are not the right orientation and most are not needed and some are simply bad photos. I think I could edit this down to about 30 as a whole and it would show her work very well. How does one complete an MFA and not have decent editing skills? Hell, I don't even have a BFA and could do this. Ugh.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Big Idea

Since working on Coraline I've had the idea of mating an old school optical printer with high end DSLR to create a inexpensive way of making 2k input for preserving films. Yesterday, I found out it's already been done and done better then I could have done it. It's not cheap, but instead of a DSLR, they went with scanner/back that can handle 3fps. Ugh. Good idea, but too little too late I guess?