Friday, November 4, 2016

Scooter Rally!

Actually just little one, after taking a few years off from putting on any rally's. the Topz did a 2 day event out in Sacramento. I actually had already made plans for Saturday, so I headed out on Sunday for Italian Days part of the event at Barbers Automotive. Like most rallies we sit around a parking lot admiring each others scooters, though in this case it was lots of Italian made vehicles. Then it's lots of home made pasta and fresh bread and some live music. Good stuff.
Being old and boring, I did absolutely zero riding again at this rally. I have a hard time thinking of myself as a scooterist these days, oh well. The drive back to east bay was one of the easiest too.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


So, for the past year I and several of my neighbors have had some problems with our newest neighbor in our complex.  Two years agoish the owner was having one of several apartments fixed up and thought it would a wonderful idea to rent out his worst apartment to the kid of the contractor.  So suddenly we have a 20 year old in our old fogie complex who does not give a fuck.  And what I mean by does not give a fuck, is he's 20 year old Bro, who is loud, obnoxious and a complete and utter sack of shit.  Soon after he moved in I went out to get something from my garage to find an unknown car parked in front of it.  Oddly enough dumbass shows up and I ask him if he knows who's car this is as it is blocking my garage to which dumbass replies with a big shit eating grin "I know not to park my car in the driveway".   Oh, so you do know who owns this and you're badly trying to bullshit your way from answering said question.  OK dumbass, I know I can trust you.

So over the next year he throw's little shindigs  with his loud and obnoxious friends and slowly pisses off most of the neighbors in the complex.  He's also contracted to do some work on various parts of the complex and either does a shitty job or never really get's around to it.  Great, worst of all he slowly starts to use the old driveway as his personal parking space, which is right next to my apartment.  Fuck I love a drunk dumbass at 2am waking me up on a semi regular basis.  Worst of all, other neighbors start to use the driveway as parking lot too since owner doesn't appear to be doing shit about bro in back.  So I start making my own complaints about the driveway  and about 4 months ago I find a unknown car parked in driveway on a sunday morning with the engine running.  Going outside I find no one around, so I reach in and turn the car off for the obvious reason of I fucking love having exhaust emptied into my apartment.  Ten minutes later he outside and yelling at the top of his lungs at another neighbor about it so I exit my apartment and calmly tell him I came out 10 minutes ago to find an unknown car outside my apartment dumping exhaust into my apartment and that simply turned said car off.  He then yelled at me not to touch his fucking car again and I should come and get him if I have problem with said car.  To which I calmly told him that I didn't know whose car it was and that even if I did know that I wasn't his mother and wasn't going to fetch him when he illegally parks in the driveway and dumps exhaust into my apartment. 

And of  course he again starts yelling at the top of his lungs in thinly veiled threats about touching his car and how he's doing work on one of the buildings and needed to go get supplies to do his work.  Being the smart ass I am I am I simply replied when did 5 minutes of setting of ladder this morning, leaving it out most of the day unattended constitute work these days?  Yes, I was purposely trying to push some buttons and letting him know that he couldn't bully me either.  Stupefied by me not backing down he yelled not to touch his fucking car again and put his car on the street like most of us do.  Later that evening I went to move my own car and found the door had been keyed.  Great, fucking great, so since said incident I've been parking my car a few blocks away, taking photos of the various cars in the driveway and reporting him to the owner on a weekly basis.  Berkeley rent laws though pretty much are going to protect him though so I know I'm in for a long hassled filled shit of a time with the dumbass. 

So I should say that the owner actually hates the kid at this point and I point out that if you stop hiring him to do shit work around the complex he's likely to not make rent in the near future, so no work for dumbass for the last few weeks, but best or worst of all was last week, and here's what I know. So two weekends ago I get a knock on the door from the owner and tells me that the dumbass in back was arrested during the week and to give him a call of the kid shows up on the property.  it turned out that his latest girlfriend swore out complaint that he smacked her around, so the Berkeley cops came by looking for him and when they couldn't find simply sat down in our garden to wait for him.  It turns out he was hiding in his apartment and after a few hours he tried making a run for it.  Fuck, I would have paid money to watch the Berkeley's finest cuff the fucker.  So off to jail for the dumbass.  The owner tells me that he's been evicted and his family would be coming by this week to get his shit out of the apartment.  So yesterday morning I leave for work but the chain on bicycle fowls up and I head back to the apartment to fix it, only to find my young friend parked next to my apartment filling his car up with shit.  I stared at him for a moment then burst out laughing as he turned to greet me with the most forlorn look on his face.  Good bye and good riddance.