Monday, August 30, 2010

I hat this . . .

I hate blogging about the same things over and over again.
Mainly because I get sick of hearing myself whine.

Anyway, once again I find myself super frustrated about a couple of things. In the last month I've applied for two jobs locally that based off the descriptions I am super perfect for. Not over qualified, not under qualified. Really, perfect and so far I've heard zilch on either one. I could check with a friend about one, but I have a feeling it will just piss me off. The second one closed for applications last week, so I still might hear something in the next week or two. Or maybe not. Ugh, this frustrates me. I'm sure that in either case I'm not even in considerations because of my 10 months of unemployment or because I don't have an "In" at ether place. I'd hate to find out that they hired someone from within as well. Why the hell even post a position if you plan on stacking things so you can hire some from within?

ANyway, whining off.

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