Saturday, December 3, 2011


I was asked this week what was my idea of a connection?

MY answer: Connections for me starts with illicit combination of chemistry and values. They always mix differently for me depending on me and who I'm mixing with, but in the end I want more. Of course too much spark means too much combustion and a quick fire to smoldering err.. OK, no more bad metaphors here. I'll blame them on all the bad food I ate while driving cross country. Anyways, connections do involve some chemistry for me, some shared values, but also some non shared values as it always brings growth and similar thought.

Dating: Yes, been doing it since moving. So far I can't really say I've found the above. Was coming close, but that ended earlier this week. Tried a new bus stop too, and while it was nice it wasn't a romantic type of connection for me. Then again I'm looking for friendship too, so at least I found some that this week.

Anyway, nothing to see or hear here. Move along!

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