Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day

So, I just took a nice hike to the local post office, which was close. ANyway along the way I'm crossing a busy street with another person and using legal crosswalk. After getting halfway across someone in a BMW SUV pulls into the far end of the crosswalk and begins to park. Me and the other person keep walking and find this guy backing up and forth across the end of the crosswalk keeping us from getting to the sidewalk. So I knock on his rear window to let him know that we are there. He stops and we proceed to walk behind his BMW SUV using the crosswalk. End of story? NO! So a half block later I hear from the street the end of a someone yelling " . . . fat fuck!" Honestly no idea what the first half of the statement was. But I see it's that same BMW SUV and some late 40 year old and his gal old enough to be his mom are parallel to me and the guy is pissed and he's rolling up the window. From what I can guess the guy was trying to let his mom out of his car in what he thought to be a safe place. Honestly though he wasn't paying attention to the road and I would note the other person in the cross walk was a pregnant. I'd guess 4-5 months pregnant too. So in my head I see that this guy thought he had the right away and should have kept us in the middle of the street (a pretty busy street) while he dropped his mom off. I can kind of get this after the fact. But I still think a folks, especially when one is pregnant trump old lady having to wait a minute to illegally park. Anyway I simply roll my eyes and keep walking. A half block later I'm cutting across a small parking lot and mr BMW SUV had turned right and very slowly driving across my path. He looking at me with this huge but hurt face and trying to menace me. At this point I start laughing my ass off at him. Very visibly laughing too. First, there's a Berkeley cop car at the intersection behind him and second the Berkeley police station is around the corner, just down the block from the post office. So the post office was close and the whole trip back I felt dumb as shit for forgetting it was Columbus day!

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