Thursday, October 17, 2013

Worshiping the Beast 2013

Berkeley.999.187 So, rally season (for me) is over. WTB is my end of year (scooter years that is) rally to attend. This year it was me, and maybe 12 others. *Sigh* Berkeley.999.203 That having been said, riding the delta is always fun, mostly since it's flat, it's colorful, it has twisties and I always break down. This year I did all the above and got lost too. Best yet is that completed about 90% of the ride before my bike went poop. We even ran into a Wizzer rally. Ya, Wizzer Here's a picture of a Wizzer DSCF1091 I think they had less breakdowns then us. Anyway, that was Saturday for me. Sunday I drove back to Sacto for the Barber extravaganza. Mainly it's a lot of socializing and lots of home made pasta sauce. Definitely a fat kid type of day for me. Oh and lot of old italain vehicles (that run). Berkeley.999.202 Anyway., what few photos I took can be found at Enjoy

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