Friday, January 23, 2009

In The Way

I think it's some of left over LA driving needs or retardness speaking at this point, but this mornings drive to work was one of those "Get the FUck Out of the Way" types of mornings.

I could not for the life of me make a left hand turn. Constant traffic backing up to the point where you can't turn. Of course then you turn right and try to left hand it further back, only to have some dumbass block the intersection. OK so finally I'm able to go the right right way down Burnside. Once I'm over the bridge I stick to the left lane, mainly because folks stop traffic to turn left too often. Of course today I get stuck behind the guy who thinks that the speed limit is 20 mph. Oh ya, I notice that no one is turning right in the right lane for blacks now. Of course as soon as I move back into the right lane, I'm behind some one who needs to make a complete stop to turn right. Finally I take my right on 22nd and literally a guy pulls out illegally in front of me and we nearly t-bone. Oh ya, I now have to follow this guy who wants to drive at 20 mph. Finally I can turn on Pettygrove and I get a big rid in front of me till I get to work. Thank you friday and fuck you too.

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