Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mike Leigh

(be ready for some rambling) I've just finished Mike Leigh's "Happy go Lucky". It's been a number of years since I've seen a Mike Leigh film to boot since "Topsy Turvy" was such a piece of crap. Anyway . . .

Mike Leigh films are one of my guilty pleasures in a way. At the same time I wish I could say that his films tend to be fantastic, but they are not. They tend to be very good in some ways, but not across the board so to say. Visually speaking, they tend to flat, very flat. The situations can be we bit over the top, but at least not in soap opera way. The writing can be hit or miss, as can the casting/acting. But they tend to eb and flow to the writing/directing and acting as well.
For the most part, you'll find they are very very character driven, and the action comes from the situation, but not in visual sense, but the action and reaction to situation. Which on the surface tends come across as self indulgent actor films. Which can be some of the worst shit to sit threw if you ask me. Anyway, when Mike get's it right, the characters connect to you emotionally and as such, you're drawn in and what should be a crappy films isn't. In a nut shell at least!

Anyway, need to peee. Night!

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