Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted.

I've basically been sick for the last month, starting with really heavy levels of hay fever, followed by a cold and then nasal infection. All the time, my nose has runneth over. It also basically ruined any chances I had with Leslie. Nice woman I have to say. Anyway this started out nice and fun, but the last two dates we went on I couldn't be physical at all because I was sick. I shoudl ahve killed the dates before even starting, but didn't. Nothing like being sick when you're dating. Ugh.

That having been said, I can't say that I thought things would last beyond a month or two. Some chemistry, but not a lot. Our last date was boring, even without me blowing my nose, it was boring and it was boring for both of us from what I could tell. Anyway, I didn't expect this last because I can't keep my thoughts on her so to say. After two weeks I remember meeting some one else and being more interested in the new gal instead of her. The funny part of all of this, is that new gal I found out afterwards is gay. Great! Nothing lost here I guess, but more an insight into how I feel I guess.

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