Thursday, June 25, 2009

So I can Currently Hear . . .

one of my coworkers spending a leisurely amount of time on the phone right now.
Mostly this person is complaining and making fun of a fellow coworker who called in sick this morning. The person in question got fairly trashed last night at coworker's going away party.

Why is this getting on my nerves this morning? It's not like I haven't done my fair share of shit talking. None the less, it's getting on my nerves. I think it's because the person in question spends in inordinate amount of time shit talking there felling employees. I can't think of a conversation where they don't do it, of course just in jest.

Anyway, rant off.

1 comment:

JT Allen said...

Odd, said person just left to get breakfast, despite the fact that they are an hourly.