Thursday, June 25, 2009

So I can Currently Hear . . .

one of my coworkers spending a leisurely amount of time on the phone right now.
Mostly this person is complaining and making fun of a fellow coworker who called in sick this morning. The person in question got fairly trashed last night at coworker's going away party.

Why is this getting on my nerves this morning? It's not like I haven't done my fair share of shit talking. None the less, it's getting on my nerves. I think it's because the person in question spends in inordinate amount of time shit talking there felling employees. I can't think of a conversation where they don't do it, of course just in jest.

Anyway, rant off.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I know I've posted in the past the troubles I've had writing again. The dyslexia and the long gap between my undergrad days and my now grad days haven't helped much. I used to able to write a 10+ paper (1st draft that is) in a night. Now these seem to take a week or two. Odlly enough though I had a report to write this week and I did 4 pages easily in just over an hour. Now for me, a report is simply laying out my notes of what I did for the last two nights (follow around a reference librarian) and report on what occurred. Damn simply stuff plus I took pretty good notes. But I guess what writing I have done over the years sine leaving school have been more on the report side then on the paper side. So maybe my writing isn't as retarded as I feel it is at times. But I still have another year of this, so who knows.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Those Same Mistakes . . .

I've started dating a republican again.
What is wrong with me?
I don't need to get laid this badly, or do I?
I know they are all batshit crazy.
What is it about me that female republicans like to begin with?
Honestly I've done this before, and I'm sure to do it again, but every time I have to ask them, why?
Of course I ask this at the end and at that point you just get that hateful answer instead of real one.

Anyway, that is all for the moment at least.