Friday, January 16, 2015

Photo of the Day: Jan 16th

This is Marley. My eldest sister adopted him about a month ago, his name is Marley. Hi Marley. I got meet him for the first time over the Xmass break from work. He's quite a dog. And by quite a dog I mean he's nothing like my sister's last dog, who was more lap dog and almost a cat. Anyway, this dog loves nothing more then running around and being part of the pack. Again, nothing like my sister's last dog. But I digress, my sister asked me if I could to take a few photos of him, so when she was out, he mainly plops himself on the couch and sleeps till it's fun again and she returns. So the assignment was rather easy. Thus this picture

I'm not really sure what Marley thinks of me, he would keep an eye on me when I was around as he wasn't used to me. I generally found though if I gave some attention he's wind up and get pretty excited. What was nice, was that he wasn't constantly wanting to sit in my lap. That was rather awesome actually. So for that, Marley is awesome dog. My sister kept telling us that he's Basset hound golden retriever mix. Which he probobly is based on his short legs, long bulky body and color of his fur. The thing is, his head is massive and pretty distinctly shaped like of a pit bull head. So to say the least he's a happa dog. Or mutt in 'Merikan. Ok, not sure what else to tell ya about Marley at this point, as that's all I know.

M240 + 50mm f1.4 lux e46

And this is my fat cat Kage. This time shot on film with my M7 and really old Sonnar designed (50's era) 50mm 1.4 Nikkor-sc in Nikon S mount and adopter to M mount. I really do heart the old Sonnars.

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