Sunday, February 1, 2015

Photo of the Day: Feb 1st

Flashback of sorts, the two photos below are from the early 1990's (c1992) when I worked at the UCLA Film and TV Archive. Actually at the time I was first intern in Film Preservation and had been working with the Hearst Newsreel collection for a grand total of maybe 2 months. Anyway I recently rescanned and cleaned up roll of film I shot during the Preservation Festival Anyway, the first picture is from the first night of the Film Preservation festival at the DGA. The first night was for the "Guns of Navaronne." (BTW - I did zimlch work on this movie) Pictured are Richard Dayton of YCM labs, Bob Gitt Preservation Officer/Manager at the UCLA and the Crisps, Grover Grisp was head of the Sony archives. This was shot on my Canon EOS 28-70mm f4 Frame 2 is from a few nights later at Melnitz theater on the UCLA campus. This was from television night and was from the reception before the screening. Pictured is Dan Einstein the Television Archivist at UCLA and other is an older producer from the KTLA news. This was shot on my Canon EOS 28-70mm f4

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