Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wiseguy - in Restrospect

So, it's one of those weekends and I made the decision to clean up the place and let an old TV program play in the background. The show in question was late 80's show called "Wiseguys" with Ken Wahl (what ever happened to this guy?). Anyway, I didn't really catch this show back in the day but did catch an episode from time to time, which was kind of the appeal for trying to watch season one. Now, nearly 25 years later I gotta say, this show has not aged well and I'm surprised as hell that this show lasted more then a single season, let alone was OK'd beyond pilot. Why, because it's not been very good so far. It's hard to believe that this preceded "Good Fellas" too. The big hair, over use of aquanet and loads of really crappy 80's era cars abound. The best looking car after 12 episodes was a Porsche 924. Otherwise loads of 'Merikan made crap. Hell it's hard to ever think of the 924 as classic in any way shape or form either. The story line and writing are all cliche ridden as hell to boot. It's kind of hard to beleive this was show by Stephen J Cannell who also gave us the Rockford Files and the A-team (which was at least fun). Oy vay. But I guess I have think this is the late 80's and standards and tastes were in fact much different then today. Or maybe it's just that the Soprano's was just that much better. Though I'm kind of glad I had different tastes, even back in the day. Oh it's also kind of surprising to see that Vince Gilligan wrote for this series, but you can see why he choose Johnathan Banks or Breaking bad 15 years later. OK, back to cleaning up the pad.

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