Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weekend Geekout

(like susual, this long winded and doesn't always stick a point)

Every year (or so) I try and read one of favorite sets of books in and around Christmas.
My absolute favorites are of course "Zoey and Frannie" as wella s "Raise High the Roof beam Carpenter" by JD Salinger. I think I've read both maybe 10+ times in my life starting with "Catcher in the Rye" when I was 13 years old. I din't tackle the rest of his work till I was Frosh in College though, but his work has always been a return for me. My other favorite writer was JRR Tolkien, I started on the Hobbit in Jr High, and then hit the trillogy in mid high school followed by Unfinished Tales and Silmalarian in College.

Just over a year ago when the last of the Harry Potter books was released, an unfinished book of sorts from Tolkien was released as well called "Children of Huren."Now I had to put off the last of the Harry Potter's books tilll after the semster was done, but I picked upt hat Tolkien book and that was what I read last year about this time.

This year though, I was lazy, instead of reading I pulled out all three of the LOTR movies (I've picked them up used over the last couple of years) and watched them. I watched them plus all of the bonus materials, which is 12 disks with 2-3 hours on each. I'm completely geeked out at this point and nearly can't wait to get back to work in the morning.

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