Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What was that?

So today we didn't have a snow day, but we did have a you can come in late day because of the several days of snow we've had here in Portland. Which was good, because I've had cabin fever for the last day or two and really wanted to get out. The drive in was pretty bumpy and I was one of the first to arrive. I had been baking off and on for two days with Xmass treats for everyone. Upon reaching the kitchen, the smell of rotting chicken hit me pretty hard. The cleaning crew hadn't come in over the weekend and Friday's lunch left overs were rotting. A Quick clean up was in order and the bags all closed and kitchen airing out. Tastie food treats out for those who ventured in. Check.

By the end of the day, most of the tasty treats were gone, except the brownies, which I spent the most time on.

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