Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More Rambling from the Rain

Ramble #1: I look awesome in a Irish kilt (sapphire in color), but said kilt goes badly with any dark shades of green. Thus, I didn't wear it for today, I did bring a flask of Jameson to work though. SO if you're thirsty, let me know.

Ramble #2: If I need to bring maquettes from LJC to Pettygrove it will rain. Every single time. Be preparied to deal with said rain concerning maquettes since water and their paint don't mix too well.

Ramble #3: It will rarely rain when you go to lunch, but will rain when you walk back to work. I'm OK with this. A little rain never hurts and I tend to let my mind wander a bit when it does. Mostly teh same stuff as Monday's post. Where I am and where I'd like to be, though I wish I could get some other stuff off my mind too. That and I found out how hidiously expensive the condo's just north of work are. Just under $500,000 for a two bedroom condo. HELLO! That's about $300,000 stupid if you ask me. Odlly enough though when I walked by the town houses across the street from work, a big old dog came out to greet me. Nice older Labradore mix from what I could tell. Though she locked herself out it turns out because she's afraid of vacume cleaner. I had to knock and ring the bell quite a number of times to get the owner's to come and claim their dog.

OK, rambling off.

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