Friday, March 20, 2009

Too Much Info!

This goes along with yesterday's food poisoning post, so it might not be your cup of tea.

So made quesadilla's for dinner last night with a diet soda. This was my first solid food in about 36 hours.
I was hoping the cheddar cheese would help me bind up. No hotsauce was added though, because that would only make matter worse. Right?

Actually it played havoc on my internals. Not good or bad, just lots of noise and gas during the night. I'm a wee bit impacted down there to begin with, so what i have sprayed out is little painful, but nothing new. This morning it was all gas and nothing painful, so I drank water and skipped breakfast. I have a shit ton of work to compete so I was off to work.

I've had about 10 more glasses of water since and I have been soo damn hungry it isn't funny, plus the lack of caffine this morning has been killer. But they put muffins out about 15 minutes ago and I had one. Took me two bites and it was gone. Damn it tasted good. Now to feel what it's gonna do to me . . .

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