Saturday, October 17, 2009


I woke myself up early as I knew i had a very long day ahead of me. After breakfast I was back on the road traveling west to the coast again trying to retrace my steps the night before, this time though I'd make it the straights of something or another and the Pacific ocean. This was when the truck started to act funny, any real acceleration up hill was met with girgles and pauses in acceleration. Worst of all, I kept getting stuck behind people driving slowly. Any attempt to pass was met with a backfire. Once I reached the straights I tried cleaning the carborator. This helped, but not exactly either. It took nearly 2.5 hours of driving to reach the more NW part of continental USA. The hike was another 30 minutes each way, easy by any standard. The drive back to the 101 was uneventful, but around 2pm I had a cop pull in behind a group of us (6 cars) I was in the center, after 20 miles the two cars behind me had peeled away and I suddenly found myself with said cop car's lights a flashing. It turned out when we entered the village and I had braked to slow down (55 down to 35mph) he had noticed one of rear brake lights wasn't working. Um, thanks officer. No ticket. The rest of the ride was long, the truck acted OK and I was back in town by 10pm that night.

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