Friday, October 16, 2009


I’m on vacation. Or something close. I drove 9 hours today to get to the upper north end of the Olympic peninsula for 3 days of hiking and R&R. The drive up was nice, I stopped in Astoria, then across the river at an old military base to hike around. 3 hours later I was up on the peninsula and hit the beach too. It’s been raining off and on all day, but it’s what I wanted and expected. I finally made my way to the Sol Duc hotspring resort. With my stay, I get to use the three hot spring mineral pools. Oddly enough, I booked this place not knowing that my parents had stayed her nearly 48+ years ago as a part of their honeymoon. So far, I have mixed feeling about the place. First, too family orientated. I didn’t expect hook up here or anything, but too many kids. Honestly, too many. Also, the pools close at 8pm. I knew this, so came with the computer, some netflix and some scotch (I knew no internet too, one reason I took this R&R break). The big pool had a three generations of some Russian family in it too. No matter where I sat, they kept migrating around the pool as a whole and I’d have stranger talking in Russian all around me. My WASP sense of space kept kicking in too. Give me some space people! The 100 degree pool was just OK, I really want hotter, but the 104 pool was closed (they close each pool for an hour each day to test em for bacteria).

On a completely different note, I’m sitting here typing away, I need to step away for a moment and brush my teeth. For the last week I know I’ve needed a haircut. So looking in the mirror I was once again reminded that I need a haircut, how do I know? Since the top of head has been thinning a bit, it means that when the sides and back have gotten long, I tend to look like bozo the clown, not really since I’m not redheaded and my hair doesn’t stick out like that. Anyway, tonight my hair it rather curly, I haven’t kept my hair this long since I was teenager and my Irish loque of hair would start to curl.

Umm scotch.

So this evening it was hot bath, some food I brought along, the second half of the first season of “Belle De Joure/Secret Diary of a Call Girl (Showtime). Not bad, funny at times and such, but the main character/actress isn’t really that hot to me. So no wank fest either! I did read 5 chapters for one of my classes and some scotch too. Didn’t read it, just drank it. I hope it helps me fall asleep I hate to say since I keep going to sleep later and later it’s been hard for me to go to sleep this early (11pmish). Good I hear it’s started to rain again, I’ll open the window a bit more to cool down the room and so I can hear it some more. Anyway, the flask is about 60% full and I need the rest for tomorrow night. So Night.

Umm scotch . . .

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