Saturday, November 20, 2010


Yesterday, my esteemed professor posted the "Answers to All Your Questions: I have purposely held back on answering many of the minutiae of your questions for the simple reason I wanted you to figure things out for yourselves."

In all honestly I wanted to kick this ass in the teeth after reading this. When people give me vague answers, it means they either don't know what they want, or the are clueless fucking dicks. Because I couldn't get an answers to most of my questions, I ended up doing considerably more work then anyone else did on class. I wanted to cover all of my options and write at least 3x the mount that most of class mates did. Thanks, for the extra stress and waste of my time. Anyway . . ..

I am done. At least I think I am, I won't know till I see my grades. Anyway, today's capstone presentations went off without much fan fair. I was 5th from the very end, so as people did their presentations I rewrote what my own. I started off with 8 cards (many two sided) filled with facts about me and my capstone. As of this morning it took me 9 minutes to give my presentation. I knew I needed to cut it down and after a few presentations it was easy to figure out what needed to be cut. Instead of talking about 4 artifacts and long introduction, I cut it down to 4 cards by nixing 2 artifacts and nixing nearly all of my intro. As the day went on, I rewrote the intro and expanded on my 2 two artifacts and broke it down so I wouldn't be reading much off cards. Keep it natural and hit the points. Decent presentation, but I could have shown off my website a little bit more. My fellow presenters passed me the following notes:

"Nice touch to all the film strip graphics."
"Thanks for traveling a long way to do your presentation! Sounds like your are going to have a successful career in library sciences".
"Congrats! to [sic] bad there isn't a voodoo doughnut. You deserve the bucket!"
"Like your tie" Bibliography was one of favorite projects too" Portfolio program great way ti integrate your information skills."
"Kudos on building your own (web) site! I was going to try but ran out of time. Great job! Thanks for sharing your capstone."
"Interesting background and how it led to this program. Thoughtful content on your artifacts."

"I really like your tie" <---- At least three feedback notes indicated this. My tie, originally from Montgomery Wards is fucking awesome.

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