Monday, July 12, 2010

Irritable Part II

So late last week I blew up at the guy who is doing that paint job for me. Over the course of the weekend I was still angry and mad, but started to wonder why. This problem in itself should have me this angry, so why all the anger? The why is for a couple of reasons. First - the guy hadn't finished the work he should have finished months ago which leads too - Two - Every time I step into the garage I see this unfinished project that I can't do a damn thing with, which leads too - Three - I spent the last year in a job where I do work and then wait and wait for someone else to finish up their part of the work, or worse I'd have to report to someone about said work and they wouldn't make any decisions. So every time I see this project I'm reminded of the last year and frustrated I was and it makes me even more frustrated. Plus, to be honest I'm irritated, frustrated and angry about my life right now. Which just makes things worse.

So last week I got a response to a part time position I had applied for. The response was something to the effect of "we had a lot of responses to said job and are turning down your application as we've found someone with more qualifications, blah blah blah." First, I actually like to hear back about position that I won't be interviewing for, I can scratch it off my list so to say and any worry I might have goes away. At the same time, I know I'm actually over qualified for the position and of course that's a huge irritant. I applied for the job in question because I wanted a part time gig and not a full time gig after all. How the fuck wasn't I qualified to get interview then? Well, it could be for a couple of reasons. First, they were probably really only going to hire some one they already knew or their was an inside applicants and legally speaking they had to post the job. This is the most likely cast. Second, it could be that because I haven't been employed for the last 9 months that I'm automatically disqualification, even though I hadn't lost my last position due to anything I had done. This of course is a killer and I know it happens and it damn irritant. Ugh.

Anyway, whiny rant over.

1 comment:

Peter said...

I know exactly how you feel...try saying, "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo," several, several times and you will get better results and more of want you want. ;)